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In terms of aesthetic appeal face is the most important part of the body as it defines our identity. Our face undergoes unpleasant changes with age - skin becomes wrinkled and face looks saggy. A face lift surgery (rhytidectomy) is a great way to reverse the effects of age on your face and rediscover a youthful face.  

A face lift is the most efficient method for reversing the effects of gravity and ageing in the mid and lower portions of the face. This procedure will raise the soft tissues in the cheek and mid-face, reduce jowls and provide a cleaner and more defined jawline.

Why is Face Lift Done?

Face Lift surgery is done primarily to reverse the age related changes in your face - sagging cheeks, excess skin at the lower jawline, uneven fat deposits throughout face and neck, etc. Some people don’t want these changes to happen, either for personal or professional reasons and hence get a face lift done.

How is Face Lift Surgery Done?

1. Consultation With Surgeon

Are you are concerned you look older than you really are? Are you in a profession (modelling, acting, etc) where an aging face means the end of career? Do you want to look young again? Then it may be time for you to consider face lift surgery. If you are in Hyderabad, as a first step you should fix up an appointment with Dr. Sharath Gurrala, the head of plastic surgery department at KIMS Hospitals, Hyderabad. Dr. Sharath will understand your concerns and will just the right course of action.

You will be asked about all your current concerns and why you want to go for face lift surgery. You will also be asked about your medical history and your expectations from the face lift surgery. You will also be educated about the risks involved in the procedure.

2. Preoperative Evaluation

Once it’s decided that you will undergo a face lift surgery, you will be asked to undergo routine evaluation tests to determine if you are ready for surgery and anesthesia. Your face will also be thoroughly examined to understand your facial bone structure, shape of your face, fat distribution and quality of your skin to determine the best procedure for you. Clinical photographs of your face will also be taken for filing in records. You will also be asked to sign consent forms and provided detailed information about the surgery process.

3. Face Lift Surgery

Face lift surgery generally involves elevating the skin and tightening the underlying tissues and muscles. Fat in the face and neck may be removed or redistributed in other farts of the face. Once the contours of the face is finalized, facial skin is repositioned, excess skin is removed and the incision points are stitched or taped.

Different face lift surgery incision techniques include:

Traditional Face Lift Incision: Incision marks follow the hairline and continue down till the lower scalp at the back of the ears. Another incision might be made under chin to lift the neck also, if required.

Limited Incision: Shorter incision that begins in your hairline just above your ear, wraps around the front of your ear, but does not extend all the way into the lower scalp.

Neck Lift Incision: Starts from the front of the earlobe and continues around the ear into the lower scalp, along with a small incision under the chin.

A face lift surgery generally takes 2-4 hours but might take longer if it is combined with other cosmetic procedures.

4. Post Surgery Recovery and Care

After a facelift surgery you may experience

  • Mild to moderate pain

  • Drainage from the incisions

  • Swelling

  • Bruising

  • Numbness

The incisions will most likely be covered with bandages and tubes may be placed under the skin to drain excess blood and fluid.

In the first few days after surgery:

  • Remain as still as possible

  • Rest with you head in an elevated position

  • Use painkillers as prescribed by the doctor

  • Apply ice pack to ease pain and reduce swelling

Stitches are removed in a week’s time, swelling generally goes down after 2-3 weeks and you can start with light household work after a week.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the risks involved in a face lift surgery?

Risks involved in a face lift surgery include:

  • Hematoma - Collection of blood under the skin which causes swelling and pain

  • Scarring - Incision scars may get raised, get red in color over time and may become conspicuous

  • Nerve Injury - Temporary or permanent numbness in one of more areas of face due to nerve damage

  • Hair loss - temporary or permanent hair loss can happen at the incision points

  • Normal surgery related risks - bleeding, infection, adverse reaction to anesthesia

Are the results of facelift surgery permanent?

No they aren’t. Your face will again change due to the aging process and the results of the surgery may be reversed. Since you can’t stop the aging process, you also can’t keep your face structure permanent. However, the results of a successful surgery will last for 5-6 years.

What is the right age for a face lift surgery?

Since surgery is necessitated by old age, it is done for people who are typically older than 40 years. However it can be done earlier for you if you see the symptoms that require a facelift.

Face Lift Surgery in Hyderabad

At KIMS hospital Hyderabad, Dr. Sharath Chandra Reddy and his team of plastic surgeons have decades of combined experience in all kinds of plastic and cosmetic surgery. Please fill out the form below to book your appointment now with Dr. Sharath and discuss your face lift concerns and requirements.